Had a large week this week, therefore it was hard to pick my favorite and least favorite comic, but low and behold I was able to do it anyways. So here is the verdict:
Favorite Comic: Power Girl #9
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

Ever since I decided to pick up Power Girl as one of my monthly comics, it has never let me down. First of all, I enjoy Amanda Connor's art immensely (as well as her face) and the writing is pretty witty. The comic starts off referring to someone knowing Power Girls secret identity which has been the underlying plot for a few issues now. It segways into a scene where Power Girl is left naked due to her towel falling and is inconspicuously covered up by some very well placed groceries, which Jared found to be annoying, but I think it adds some good humor. The story continues on with the city being attacked by some pretty sweet looking animal solidiers (elephants and rhinos to be exact) and Power Girl comes and beats them up. Then you finally learn that Satanna is here to enact her revenge for what Power Girl did in issue two with super Humanite. I like that the writer is tying together the issues and going with a continuing story line. I thought that it was going to keep being little two issue arcs over and over again, which can get boring quick. So to see that they are going to focus on a larger picture it is pretty cool. Also, the ending of the book was pretty cool with a surprise savior for Power Girl.
8.5 out of 10
Least Favorite Comic: Blackest Night Flash #3
*Warning Spoiler Alert*

So first off, I would just like to say that I expected this to be a disappointment. The problem with this Blackest Night mini is that they tried to do too much story line in this small three issue series. The whole thing with both the Flash trying to save Bart, and then you have Mr. Cold or whatever his name is trying to deal with a bunch of other Black Lanterns. When reading this mini I just felt lost most of the time and I feel like it really didnt add really anything to the Blackest Night story line at all. Which is a real disappointment because I really enjoy the Flash and was pretty excited for this tie in. I think this has once again proven that I should just stop reading these mini's and just read the main story line. Out of all of the Blackest Night minis the only good ones have been Wonder Woman and Superman. The others have added little to nothing to the story line or have just been junk all around. Anyways, back to the Flash. Heres the ending so you dont have to read it yourself, it ends up that him and the other Flash save Bart and Cold defeats the Black Lanterns just like Batman did with a cold gun. No surprise there. Great Job!
3 out of 10
Maybe if the Flash comic had Barry Allen running around naked with well placed lighten bolts covering him, you might have liked the issue more!
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