It's Herobot Award Mania! If you haven't already done it, you can still email your nominations to herobotawards@gmail.com
You can also check up an updated list of which comics have been officially nominated so far at herobotawards.blogspot.com
Here's a shining example of a quick, concise and accurate nomination ballot:
Writer: Geoff Johns, Brian Bendis, Kevin Smith, Brad Meltzer, Robert Kirkman
New Talent/Breakout: Scott Snyder, ......does Paul Cornell count as breakout?
Interior Art: Ivan Reis, Olivier Coipel, Amy Reeder, Alex Maleev, Simon Bianci, Jim Cheung, Adam Kubert
Covers: Alex Ross, Jo Chen, Mike Allred, Darwyn Cooke
New Ongoing: iZombie, American Vampire, Scarlet, S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ongoing: Unwritten, Action Comics, Secret Warriors, Chew, Fables
Maxi: Blackest Night.... and The Widening Gyre if 6 issues is a maxi
Mini: Astonishing Spider-man/Wolverine, Siege...... and The Widening Gyre if 6 is a mini
Indy: Scott Pilgrim, Buffy, Chew, and Portland based Scarlett if Icon counts as Indy
Single Issue: Siege #2 (Ares), Buffy #34 (...in space), Action Comics #894 (Death), Blackest Night #8 (Deadman Lives?!), iZombie #6 (Chimp), Unwritten #17 (Choose Your Own)
Most Underrated: Air (So underrated, I'm guessing I'm the only one to nominate it), Ultimate Spider-man, Iron Man Legacy, Thor: Mighty Avenger
Biggest Disappointment: No Joe the Barbarian #8; Powers "monthly" to "bimonthly" to "eventually" schedule changes; Not enough hot female customers; The Tron covers from Marvel.
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
ReplyDeleteInterior Artist: Dustin Weaver
New Talent: Nick Spencer
Cover Artist: Yuko Shimizu
New Ongoing: S.H.I.E.L.D.
Regular Ongoing: Morrison's work on Batman. I know it's technically many different titles but it's all one story thats been going for awhile now.
Mini-Series: Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine
Maxi-Series: Brightest Day
Indy: Scott Pilgrim
Single Moment: KKK version of Zemo "I need to know... are you white?" Deadpool "I'M ALWAYS RIGHT (snaps neck) from Deadpool MAX #3.
Underrated Book: Fantastic Four
Biggest Disappointment: Where the fart is Joe the Barbarian #8?