Since I am not a fan of Buffy, and I’ve never read an issue of any Buffy related comic, I was kind of worried when I decided to review this issue, feeling like I would be lost, not knowing what is going on. However, I was wrong.
This issue did a great job of catching up a new reader to the character, doing a quick 2-page re-introduction of Spikes character, including a short history of his existence in the Buffy universe.
The writing in this issue was spectacular. I have never read anything by Brian Lynch before, but I am glad I got the chance, because I thoroughly enjoyed the way that he was able to incorporate a number of different styles into the book. The beginning of the book was quite funny, parodying a number of popular vampire related topics, such as Twilight. The rest of the book was filled with action and drama that only deepened the storyline, while also keeping a slight bit of humor within the writing and story; please see huge Elvis monster.
At first I wasn’t a huge fan of the art, feeling as though it was too basic, and felt as though it was kind of jumbled, but as I continued reading, it started to grow on me and I felt as though it really fit the feel of the book and its dark nature.
The book as a whole was pretty well rounded, it had some points where if you haven’t been following the Buffy Universe (or at least the Angel part of it) but the majority of it was suited for a new reader, which is something I always support. If you are looking for a quality read and are interested in getting into the Buffy or Angel universe then definitely check this book out, and if you are fan of Buffy or Angel this is a must have.
6 out of 10
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